Important Update on the 2025 BCTA Spring Election Process & Call for Nominations


 A Dedicated, Compassionate
Community of Trappers

A Message from the Communications Committee:

As the Communications and Membership Committee Chair, I wish to personally welcome you to the BC Trapper’s Association.  I do hope you find the information below of value and that you are encouraged to not only be involved, but to remain involved at the local and provincial levels of the organization. At any time if you have questions, issues or concerns, please contact

Happy Trapping!

Holly Wise (Giesbrecht)

Vice President, BC Trapper’s Association

Communications & Membership Chair

What benefits do you receive with your Trapper’s Education fees?

Your paid course fees include an introductory year into the BC Trappers Association:

  • One Year Membership to the BC Trapper’s Association

  • Opportunity to join your Regional Local Branch of the BCTA (more info below)

  • One Year Subscription to the BC Trapper’s Association Magazine

  • One Year of Member Benefits Insurance (liability) Coverage during Trapping Activities; Plus OPTIONAL Cabin Fire Protection Insurance

  • Email Newsletters Trapline Tails inclusive of membership updates, upcoming events, topics of interest, AGM/Rendezvous Announcements, Board updates and so much more!


What is the BC Trapper’s Association? What did you join?

The BC Trappers Association was formed in 1945 as an association of registered trappers – we are Canada’s oldest trapper’s association.  We continue to push the organization forward representing all our members under our guiding principles:

Vision: Trapping, British Columbia’s Renewable Heritage

Mission Statement: A dedicated, compassionate community of trappers. As stewards in British Columbia, we manage furbearers responsibly and sustainably through respect of our natural resources

5 Core Values: Dedication, Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility

We aren’t ALL serious ALL the time!  What you are going to see is an organization filled with long-time members, new members and everything in between. You are going to find a group where you feel welcomed, supported and treated like family.


What do we as an Organization do for you?

The BC Trapper’s Association represents you where it matters most. Our Board of Directors are elected by the membership and committed to representing the trappers at all levels across the Province and beyond including:

  • Government and Public Relations Committee

  • Magazine Publication Committee

  • Trapper Education Program Committee

  • Ungulate Enhancement Program

  • Urban Wildlife Committee

  • Wildlife/Habitat/Forestry Committee

  • Access Management Committee

  • Awards/Resolutions Committee

  • BC Cattlemen’s Committee

  • Bequest Fund Committee

  • Communications/Membership Committee

  • Convention Committee

  • Finance and Accounting Committee

  • Fundraising/Lottery Committee


We WANT you to get involved in your area!

Every region in British Columbia is represented by a Local branch of the BC Trapper’s Association.  Whether you live in one region and trap in another, it is HIGHLY recommended that you get connected and stay connected within a Local.  Each Local consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chair and minimum of two Directors. Activities within the Locals can include (not limited to):

  • Monthly/Quarterly Meetings*

  • Education Opportunities such as Guest Speakers and Seminars

  • Trap Boil Events

  • Cook Outs/Campouts

  • Demonstrations/Education for the general public

  • Participation at Sportsman Shows (Local Representation, Booth, Demos etc.)

  • Most Importantly: CAMARADERIE AND SUPPORT/MENTORSHIP as a new trapper!

 * Please note a nominal membership fee is applicable to support the Local. Your Regional Director will highlight any information or answer any questions you may have.

To get more information on your Regional Local or to become a member of your Regional Local, click Join/Renew for the Local Registration Form.


How do you STAY involved?

We hope to exceed all your expectations in your first year with us and to see you as a member for many years to come! Memberships are available for individuals or family units for 1 or 5 year renewals. Click to Join/Renew Your Membership for the renewal links.

 Who We Are

The British Columbia Trappers Association was formed in 1945 as an association of registered trappers. It is the oldest trapper’s association in Canada.

Learn More


Wildlife biologists have long recognized the necessity to save the province’s natural resources from waste and the need to educate the general public…

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Trapping Course

Did you know that the BCTA has a Trapper’s Education Coordinator to answer all your questions about the content, delivery, locations and everything else involved in Trapping Courses?

Learn More

Research & Trap Testing Update

Traps Meeting Requirements of AIHTS and Certification Status
The Canadian Wildlife Directors, competent authorities for implementation of the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS), have approved a 3-phase process for implementing the AIHTS in Canada.

The following shows the three phases for regulating species-specific traps:

  1. the certified traps regulated for specific species in 2007

  2. certified traps that are not affected at this time, pending development of testing technologies

  3. the future addition of cage and box traps