BC Trapper Education
For general inquiries and individual course or registration information, please contact the Trapper’s Education Coordinator
The BC Trapper Education course, which must be successfully completed to qualify a person for a trapping license, is given at a particular location when there is sufficient demand. The course takes approximately 21 hours (three full days, usually Friday through Sunday), which includes instruction, demonstration, student participation, and a written exam. Successful completion is based on participation and exam results. The course is designed primarily for students aged 14 years and older. Younger students (minimum 12 years) can be accommodated only if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also taking the course.
Base course cost, which includes a manual and a one year membership in the BC Trappers Association, is $550 (18 years and older), and $350 for youths (12-17 years).
Starting September 1, 2024: Please note that out-of-area course fees can fluctuate due to increased operational costs. Out-of-area course fees are determined when courses are confirmed.
Dates are set by individual instructors when they can fill a class. Please contact the Trapper’s Education Coordinator or your local area instructor for other proposed upcoming dates and register on their individual course mailing lists
Please click here to sign up and pay for a trapper education course.
BCTA Trapper’s Education Coordinator:
Ron Lancour, Kelowna, 250-212-1015 email: bctrapper.ed@gmail.com
BCTA Trapper Education Instructors:
Instructors Region 1
Tim James, 100 Mile House, 778-840-5067, timjames.100mile@outlook.com
Instructors Region 2
Tim Killey, Surrey BC, 604-968-4772, t.t.killey@gmail.com
Instructors Region 5
Paul Blackwell, Lac La Hache BC, 250-396-7286, pblackwell63@hotmail.com
Stuart Maitland, Horsefly BC, 250-620-5587, old_stu@eurekapeak.com
Instructors Region 7
Marty Wells Fort Nelson, 250-500-4352, marty@backcountryservices.com
Carl Gitscheff, Dawson Creek BC, 250-719-8260, cowboy@pris.ca
Bryan Monroe, McBride BC, 250-569-2279, bryan.monroe@hotmail.com
Wayne Sharpe, Prince George BC, 250-962-7867, msharpe@shawcable.com
Instructors Region 8
Holly Wise, Vernon, BC, wiseoutdooreducation@gmail.com
Ryan Kole, Kelowna, BC, wildfurtrapper@gmail.com
Fish and Wildlife Branch
Please click here to sign up and pay for a trapper education course.