The BC Trappers are following provincial health guidelines for trapper education courses. Check with your local instructor for current vaccination mandates.

Who We Are

The British Columbia Trappers Association was formed in 1945 as an association of registered trappers. It is the oldest trapper’s association in Canada.

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Wildlife biologists have long recognized the necessity to save the province’s natural resources from waste and the need to educate the general public…

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Trapping Course

The BC Trapper Education course, which must be successfully completed to qualify a person for a trapping license, is given at a particular location when there is sufficient demand.

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Trapping, British Columbia’s Renewable Heritage.

Mission Statement:
A dedicated, compassionate community of trappers. As stewards in British Columbia, we manage furbearers responsibly and sustainably through respect of our natural resources.

5 Core Values of the BC Trappers Association:
Dedication, Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility.

A dedicated, compassionate
community of trappers